Resolution Update - February 18

Posted on the 19 February 2013 by Khourianya @khourianya
Time to update on my 36 resolutions for the year.  This past month actually felt really productive!
  1. Do something interesting with my hair
  2. Rework my home gym - Calling this one done, though I still have a couple more things I need to do to it.  It is now a much more inspiring and colourful place.  I hung up my medal rack and bought new foam mats for the flooring.   It can at least be used again and is no longer a holding place for crap :)  By the end of next weekend it will be completely reworked.
  3. Tune up my bike
  4. Take the girls to Zoolights
  5. Make amazing halloween costumes
  6. Plan a monthly date night - February - done.  Wasn't that inspired but we had lunch and a movie (Silver Linings Playbook - so good).  March will be much better. ;)
  7. Volunteer at a race
  8. Go thrifting once each month - done!  While hubby had lasik surgery, I hit the thrift stores and had a whole lotta luck!   Crafting stuff, a couple of tops and a skirt.  Backup snowpants for the girls, ties for hubby.  I even found stuff that was on my friends wishlists!  A very successful thrifty month!   Plus - I discovered my new favourite thrift store in town.
  9. Learn to knit properly - I had a very successful month in this arena!  Like I said last month, I wanted to learn a new cast on and how to purl and I totally rocked at both.  Discovered a crochet cast on that I really like and then set to purling.  It took me a while to find a video on purling that didn't go too fast, but Knit Picks had one that helped me catch on right away.   So, I used it in 2 afghan squares for my bedspread.  One was a waffle stitch - really simple and helped me get used to switching stitches smoothly.
    Resolution Update - February 18
    The other was a raised diamond pattern that helped me read a more complicated pattern with the purls.  
    Resolution Update - February 18
    I'm very happy with how both worked up.   Next square, I had originally planned to add another stitch, but then I found this pattern and I think I am going to do one more knit/purl square to add it to the blanket.   And it will teach me how to read a more complicated pattern that doesn't repeat.
  10. Take a shopping trip to the States 
  11. Invest in a perfect black dress
  12. Get another tattoo
  13. Leave Facebook again - done! Now that I no longer need to be there as part of my TNT team - I am happy to say I pulled the plug.   Ever since I left FB in the fall od 2010 - I have found that it is more a burden than a bolster in my life.   It feels good to be rid of it.
  14. Get an instagram poster printed
  15. Stay at the Banff Springs Hotel
  16. Go on an amazing hike
  17. Take my kids camping
  18. Re-learn how to draw and paint
  19. Create an outdoor reading area
  20. Plant a rose garden
  21. Redecorate the master bedroom and bath
  22. Train for a specific goal race - The training plan for Calgary 10k starts in early March!
  23. Create an indoor reader's sanctuary Create a creative space for myself- DONE!  Finished it this weekend and am over the moon with how it turned out!
  24. Try to have an article published in a magazine
  25. Try standup Paddleboarding
  26. Go snowshoeing with hubby
  27. Go ice skating with my girls
  28. Visit Ontario in the Fall
  29. Self Publish One Book
  30. Run a 2:15 Half
  31. Run a sub-60min 10k - aiming for Calgary Marathon
  32. Run a Sub-30min 5k - aiming for St Paddys Day
  33. Run a continuous 10k - aiming for Run for Water
  34. Run the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World - COMPLETED!
  35. Complete a home yoga challenge - attempt #1 was a big fat fail. But I admittedly rushed into it without taking the time to think out how it would work with my life.   I will try again when I have time to plan for success.
  36. Complete 8 weeks of Rip:60