…return to the Status Quo

Posted on the 22 October 2013 by Zer @the2women

This week, Monday was just a little bit worse for any one with a Facebook addiction.

When the social media site lost its status update function for a short while Monday morning, over-sharers every where were forced to find other means by which to update their status.

Is the cold sweat creeping in at the mere thought?  But where could they turn to get their fix?

Perhaps Twitter.  But how could a status possibly be expected to expressed in 140 characters. You want to paint a picture, not merely inform. Nothing jumps out a news feed like a giant block of text (I mean that literally).

If it’s a picture you want to paint, there’s always Instagram. Still, what is Instagram without the ability to simultaneously let all of your Facebook friends know that you’re being fabulous at precisely the same time? It just won’t do.

What a horrifying conundrum, and I haven’t even mentioned that users couldn’t like or comment on other posts either. What if I no longer “like” that post by the time Facebook resumes normal function? The world will never know my approval.

Good news is by the time any one journeyed through this terrifying series of scenarios the site was back up.  It was a rough (but I have to imagine productive without the distraction of Facebook) start of the week for many. Here’s to a week of unobstructed status updates. Godspeed.


NBC News: Facebook says it’s back up to 100 percent after maintenance ‘issue’

…bi-daily smile…