Returning To The World Of Work After Taking Time Off To Be A Mum: What You Need To Consider

Posted on the 03 September 2021 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Bringing a new life into the world and nurturing them for decades is an unbelievable and incredible experience for any mother.

While it is tempting to want to stay at home and look after your little one, this approach isn’t always as fun and enjoyable as it might sound. Being a full-time mom is the equivalent of 2.5jobs, and it can be isolating for many women.

So, even if you’re able to afford to stay at home with your child financially, you might find that you become bored and in need of adult society after a few years.

That’s why you might be tempted to get a job, even a part-time one. Being a working mother can be tough, but it can be just as difficult to find and adjust to a new role after being a full-time mom for many months or even years.

Keep reading, and we’ll explore the considerations that you need to take into account when you’re trying to return to work after being a stay-at-home mom.

Think About What You’re Looking For From An Employer

When you first started working, before you had children, you probably had different priorities. Money, career progression and great workplace benefits were most likely the key focuses when you were younger and more independent. Now that you’re a parent, your priorities will have changed. You will probably want flexibility, as well as financial benefits such as life insurance. Before you begin your search for a job, you need to make a list of everything you want from your new employer to narrow down your search and ensure you make the right choice the first time around.

Try To Find A Flexible Working Situation

As a mum, even a mom of older children, you still need to make sure that you have the right work-life balance. A rigid working schedule will make it challenging for you to be there for your children and to adapt to the many changes that life throws at you. So, it would help if you tried to find an employer that will offer you flexible hours and alternatives to traditional in-office work. In the past, most employers viewed flexible working as offering the option for part-time work, but today there are plenty of flexible working solutions out there. One popular solution for modern workers is hybrid working, as employees didn’t want to go back to theoffice after the pandemic. Hybrid working could be the ideal solution for you as a working mum, so try to find a potential employer who offers this option.

Consider Working For Yourself

Another alternative to the traditional 9-5 is to work for yourself. Starting your own business after having a child could be a challenge, but then becoming an entrepreneur at any stage in your life can be tough. If you want the ultimate in flexibility and control, then you could think about starting your own business. Start small, for example, by going freelance and offering your services to a limited number of people. As you become more popular, you will be able to grow your business and potentially achieve the corporate success that you’ve always wanted. However, managing your own business can be time-consuming and take you away from your precious child, so think long and hard before you take the leap.

Separate Your Working And Home Lives

Whether you’re working remotely for an employer or becoming self-employed, you might find that working from home makes it hard for you to separate your personal and professional lives. Creating the perfect work-life balance can be tough, especially if your children are at home with you. Learn how to balance working from home as a parent and how to switch off after work so that you don’t overstretch yourself. By being proactive and working to look after yourself and optimise your working day, you’ll make working from home more productive and allow you to switch off at the end of the working day.

Discuss Your Working Situation With Your Employer

If you decide not to start your own business and instead to work for someone else, then you should be open and honest with your new employer about what you can and can’t do for them. Discuss your childcare arrangements and what you might need to ensure that your child is well cared for and that you can still be productive when you are at work. Any employer that doesn’t want to discuss your unique needs or who isn’t prepared to even try to understand them is not worth your time. Talk about your needs before you accept a job offer, so that you know that your new boss will be accommodating and supportive during your transition back into the world of work.

Be Kind To Yourself

Returning to work after a period of time off, whatever the reason you took it, is always a challenge. If you’re too hard on yourself, then you might find it disheartening and want to quit working and go back to being a full-time mom. While this is a great solution for many women, working could also give you many benefits, even if your job is only part-time or hybrid, and you work from home most of the time. You’ll be able to enjoy a sense of achievement, make new friends and, of course, earn some extra money, which always comes in handy. So, make sure that you remember to be kind to yourself and try not to dwell on small mistakes. Look after your own mental and physical wellbeing, in the same way that you do your childrens’, so you don’t burn out and can enjoy your new job.

Getting a new job after you’ve had a child is a major step and one that shouldn’t be taken on a whim. Take the time to do your research and use these tips to make the transition as straightforward as possible.


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