Recently we were sent something very innovative to review. Something I, and I'm sure many others in the UK have never heard of before.
I am referring to the Baby Box. Now before I go any further this may seem like a simple idea, but it's certainly not something I'd come across and am amazed it's just reaching our shores now.

The Baby Box is an idea that originated in Finland 75 years ago. Since the 1940's, the Finnish state have been gifting these boxes, which serve as a starting kit, to expectant mothers. The box itself would normally contain a mattress, blankets, clothes and other essentials. The really clever bit however is that the box itself serves as a bed for the newborn. This may sound odd, however it is widely believed that these boxes have helped Finland achieve one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates. Startlingly, the Baby Box is credited with an incredible reduction in Finland's infant mortality rate from 65 deaths out of every 1000 children born in 1938, to 3 deaths per 1000 in 2013.
Now an Australian company, The Baby Box Co. has updated this tradition and is bringing it firmly in to the 21st century. By expanding on this lifesaving tradition with a commitment to safety, the Baby Box Co aims to benefit families in Australia and allover the world.
The boxes themselves pass stringent safety checks. Everything from the ink on the outside designs to the glue used to fabricate the box are non-toxic and environmentally safe. The mattresses are firm foam pads which have been independently certified as non-toxic.
Also included is a fitted sheet. Experts have long recommended that a safety approved fitted sheet be used for any crib (or baby box) to help reduce the risk of SIDS and other infant sleep related causes of death.

The Baby Box Co also offers a variety of choice when ordering. From the basic Bed Box which contains a fitted mattress, waterproof mattress cover, 100% cotton sheet and 2 muslin swaddle blankets, to more elaborate Joey and Dreamtime boxes. Customers can also purchase accessories such as wooden teethers and clothing to personalise the box for the mom to be!
The box we were sent came with a very cute fox print design to the outer shell. It's contents included socks, a burp cloth, a teether, a onesie, muslin swaddle blankets, sleepsacs, scratch mitts, a hat, vests, a childrens book, a parasol, a thermometer,nappies, a supercute crochet crown and terry bibs to name but a few of the items. All of the contents were very high quality and you can tell a lot of thought and care has gone into preparing the Baby Box.

Every box comes with membership to Baby Box University which is an online antenatal and early parenting programme which features established experts in the fields of birth, maternal care and early childhood development.
This is such a great tradition thats now being introduced worldwide, if it helps cut infant mortality then all the better for it. The Baby Box is available from www.babyboxco.com.au.
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