Review: Bella Vita Wine Totes!

Posted on the 21 March 2013 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

Disclosure: I was provided with Wine Bags for review purposes. 

By now you all  know I love my wine.  So when an opportunity presented itself to try out some wine totes I couldn’t resist.

Let me introduce you to Bella Vita!  Bella Vita has a variety of Wine Bags and totes available for that perfect occasion.  Whether you’re like me and enjoy bringing a bottle of wine to an event you’re attending, or love giving wine as gifts these bags offer personality and a fun way to showcase your wine.

winetotesSee, aren’t they fun?  They come in a variety of different styles and now lets talk more in depth:


Do you enjoy going on picnics?  Or sitting outside during the summer and just enjoying the summer night breeze with your favorite bottle of wine?  Do you struggle with finding a way to keep your wine cool?  These chill bags might just be your answer.  Throw the bags into the freezer and when you’re ready for your night out take the bag out and throw the bottle of the wine inside.  It’ll keep your wine cool throughout the night.

bellawineAre you looking for a fun bag to carry with you to the events you attend when bringing your favorite bottle of wine with you to share amongst friends?  These reusable bags just may be your answer.

These specialized totes are made of leather.  Yes, leather.  So they make for a more durable bag.  The tote above carries 3 wine bottles comfortably.  The leather totes run about 17.95 each.

And of course, their handmade paper bags.  Averaging at 2.45 each these bags make gifting super fun and easy.  Wine has become one of my favorite gifts to give, and the homemade bags make it even more fun.

For more information about Bella Vita Wine Bags check out their site here.

My favorite bag of the entire set was the green reusable bag.  I love the fact that it’s easy to carry, and the design of the bag.  My new favorite stash.