REVIEW! Costa Sausage and Red Onion Toastie

Posted on the 03 May 2014 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict

Just a quick review today but I had to tell you about this Sausage and Red Onion Toastie from Costa. It was recommended to me by a mate and it must be popular as Costa are quite often sold out. We went down there today at 11am and managed to get our hands on the last 2! It's a Limited Edition apparently but I think it may have been around for a while from what people tell me. It cost £3.85 and contains 541 calories.
The toastie is on white bread and has a layer of cheddar cheese on the outside with some slithers of red onion. On the inside is a delicious mix of chopped up sausage, more cheese and I think red onion chutney as it's quite sweet. Sadly they took the packet away when they heated it up for me so I didn't get chance to make a note of everything. Sausage can be quite dry but with the onion chutney it was just perfect and I liked that it was chopped up quite small so you didn't end up with a sausage falling out and slapping you on the chin when you try to bite into it.
This toastie is quite frankly awesome and I highly recommended you give it a go if you are in Costa. The combination of sausage, red onion and cheese is pure comfort food!