REVIEW! Lindt Gold Bunny - Milk and Dark Chocolate

Posted on the 26 March 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict

Lindt's PR company not only sent me the gorgeous Lindor Egg that I reviewed the other day but they also kindly sent me these very cute chocolate bunnies! There are a lot of chocolate bunnies out there and I don't know who made the first one but I always think of the Lindt Bunny as the original Chocolate Bunny!
I was sent 2 bunnies, 1 in dark chocolate and one in milk but they do also make a white chocolate version. My bunnies are 100g each but Lindt makes them in a variety of sizes and I am sure everyone wants the beastly 500g bunny!

Dark Chocolate Bunny

Lindt Bunnies are so nicely presented with their little bells around their neck and the shiny gold wrapper. I definitely need some photography lessons and a new camera (that is not my phone) because that wrapper is a complete nightmare to photograph but it does make the bunnies look really expensive (the wrapper that is, not my poor photos). Lindt Bunnies I think are very reasonably priced at £2 for a 100g bunny.

As I have said before, I am a huge fan of Lindt chocolate and I've had the milk chocolate bunnies a few times. I love how the chocolate on a Lindt Bunny is quite chunky, it makes me feel that I am getting my money's worth. I have to confess that I had never tried Lindt dark chocolate before as I usually go for milk or white but it was really lovely! It contains 60% cocoa solids so is not a hardcore dark chocolate and both Mr Review Addict and I really enjoyed it. 
If you are looking for a great novelty Easter gift, you can't really go wrong with a Lindt Bunny!