Review: Model Citizens from Circus Oz

Posted on the 16 January 2018 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Last Saturday the family and I went to go and see Model Citizens by

Model Citizen was part of The Sydney Festival. The festival is a month-long art and cultural celebration that have free, cheap events, and workshops.

Previous to going to the show I told the girls about Circus Oz. Circus Oz is a circus with no animals, the circus consists of acrobats, performers, entertainers, musicians, and more!

This year Circus Oz is celebrating their 40th year. The circus was formed in 1978 in Melbourne, read more about Circus Oz's history.

What is Model Citizens all about?

The show starts with a whole group of people that are wearing similar looking clothes and all act the same. They all act happy and seem to be interacting with each other well.

Then suddenly a stranger is introduced to this group of people or maybe I should say society, they are not too fond of this stranger.

The model citizens want the stranger to wear the clothes that they wear. They give them a pair of blue overalls like the other model citizens are wearing.

Some highlights were when Freyja Edney used her special hypnotic powers while hula hooping. Freyja could manoeuvre a hula hoop around in her arm and it looked like it was gliding on was magic and like no effort was used at all (although I know that this would have taken years and hours and hours of practice).

Not only did Freyja make a hula hoop look seamless in the air with barely any assistance, she flipped up hula hoops on the ground and shimmied until they were in different positions on her body.

She ended up having about 5-6 hula hoops all going on her body at the same time. It looked amazing.

Other highlights were the fabulous Mitch Jones with his escape from a straightjacket and also his super knife throwing. Tara Silcock was fabulous balancing parasols on her feet and toes in a giant martini glass.

Everyone was so amazing to watch. The acrobats, balancing on the string and then the artists on the trapeze made us all oohhhh and aahhhhh!

Everyone seemed to be able to do multiple jobs, sing, dance, be a strong acrobat by holding others on their heads or other parts of their bodies.

Circus Oz is full of extremely talented people. It is a fun and entertaining show and an excellent family event.

Go and have fun with the family, you will be so glad you did.

You can get tickets from the Festival of Sydney's website for Model Citizens.