REVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie Flavour

Posted on the 24 November 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie Flavour
It's been a while since I reviewed something from across the pond so I thought I would give this Limited Edition Nestle Crunch a go. The Limited Edition Girl Scout Candy bars apparently won Product of the Year in 2012 and returned to shelves earlier this year. I managed to get hold of this Caramel and Coconut Cookie flavor when I visited Orlando back in September but there is also Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Crème flavours, although I am not sure if they are still around.
The 36.8g bar comes in 2 halves and contains 190 calories in total. It has cookie wafers layered with coconut caramel crème, caramel and toasted coconut. It is coated in dark chocolate and drizzled with caramel stripes.
Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie Flavour
I have no idea what the Girl Scout's cookies taste like but I loved the sound of a coconut and caramel combination in a chocolate bar and I wasn't disappointed. I have never actually tried the original Nestle Crunch but this one was fairly similar to a Kit Kat with it's layer of wafers but I would say that the texture was lighter. I reviewed the Coconut Kit Kat a while ago which I enjoyed but the coconut flavor could have been a bit stronger. The Nestle Crunch was more coconuty, it does actually contain real coconut and with the caramel it was a great combination. The dark chocolate coating complimented the sweetness of the other flavours and I think that this was a better choice than milk chocolate which could have been too sweet.
The light crispy texture was great and I will be looking out for more caramel and coconut combos! Well worth bringing back from the USA!
REVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie FlavourREVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie FlavourREVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie FlavourREVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie FlavourREVIEW! Nestle Crunch Limited Edition Girl Scout Bar - Caramel and Coconut Cookie Flavour