REVIEW! Nik Naks Snackers Spicy Mix

Posted on the 18 December 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict

Snacks in tubs can be a bit of a nightmare for me because basically I have no self control. I am avoiding the Cheese Footballs for this very reason, they are like crack to me and unless I want some serious weight gain this Christmas it's best that I just don't buy them.
However I saw a tweet from Bao Bao from A Simple Geeky Life about this Nik Naks Snackers Spicy Mix and in the name of research I decided to give it a go. I do love Nik Naks after all and Nice 'n' Spicy is definitely the best flavor.
I picked up a tub in Tesco for £2.00 but there was a deal for 2 for £3.00. They also had a Hula Hoops Snackers Salted Mix, a Wheat Crunchies Snackers Cheese Mix and Discos Snackers Salt & Vinegar Mix. The tub weighs 190g and a 30g serving contains 155 calories.

So in this mix is nice 'n' spicy flavor Nik Naks, chilli flavor corn chips, multigrain crispy bites & rice crackers.  Nik Naks are quite hard corn snacks and that crunchy texture is what I like so much about them. However the other additions were much lighter and I like this contrast and I particularly enjoyed the flavor of multigrain bites.
This snack mix was pretty addictive to be honest, I loved all the different textures of the different crisps and it had a nice bit of heat to it which kept me going back for more!