REVIEW! PomeGreat PurePlus Light Pomegranate Juice Drink

Posted on the 31 March 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict

The PR company for PomeGreat asked me if I would like to review PomeGreat Light and being a big fan of pomegranate but never having actually tried a drink made from it I was only too happy to help.
Pomegranate is considered a superfood and is packed with anti-oxidants. Apparently it can help with all sorts of things like boosting testosterone, lowering stress, reducing blood pressure and increasing positivity. PomeGreat contains PurePlus which is a natural concentrated extract of pomegranate.
This is a juice drink so is from concentrate. It contains 37% pomegranate and 32% aronia berries. Now I personally had never heard of an aronia berry but I looked it up (good old wikipedia) and apparently they are also really good for you and are high in antioxidants.
PomeGreat Light is free from artificial colours, sweeteners, flavouring and preservatives. It is sweetened using Stevia which is 200 times sweeter than sugar but has less calories. This means that contains just 33.9 calories per 100ml serving. Regular PomeGreat contains 52 calories per 100ml.

The packaging is simple but has a positively mouth-watering picture of a pomegranate as the logo. It comes in a 1 liter carton and you can find PomeGreat drinks in all of the major supermarkets. The drink is lovely deep pinkish red colour, very similar to cranberry juice. 
It is difficult to describe the taste of pomegranate if you have never experienced it; it is sweet and tart in taste at the same time and I find it to be very refreshing. I know that it's meant to be a healthy drink but I reckon it would be really nice in a cocktail or just mixed with vodka. One thing I have noticed is that when I drink apple juice or orange juice I quite often get indigestion but with this pomegranate juice I didn't have any problems at all. Verdict I can't vouch for all the health benefits that pomegranate juice is meant to have but I can vouch for the lovely taste of PomeGreat Light. I found it throughly refreshing and given the choice I would choose it over orange juice every time.