REVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and Peach

Posted on the 13 April 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Ribena Plus Apple and Peach
Ribena Plus was released last year and is a no added sugar version of the popular soft drink and it also comes with added vitamins. There are a few different flavours available: the original Blackcurrant flavour, Red Apple, Summer Fruits and Apple and Peach which all come with added vitamins A,C and E. There is also Mixed Berries and a Raspberry and Apple flavor which come with added calcium.
This Apple and Peach flavor apparently contains 30% of your RDA of vitamin A, C and E. The 500ml bottle also contains under 25 calories. I don't really buy these sorts of drinks based on the fact that there is added vitamins. I prefer to get my vitamins from eating healthy foods which may surprise you given all the sweet treats that I review, but the rest of the time I do enjoy a lot of fruit and vegetables so I wouldn't want to rely on something like this drink to get my vitamins. That said, if these sorts of things are in there as an added bonus then I am all for it.
This bottle is a pre-mixed squash but you can also buy it as a concentrate that you mix yourself. As you can see from the photo it is a lovely bright orange color which would indicate to me that the Peach is the more dominant flavor and it does certainly smell more of peach than apple. The taste is sweet and refreshing and you get the peach first which is then followed with an apple after-taste.
I enjoyed the taste of Apple and Peach flavoured Ribena Plus and it made a nice change from diet fizzy drinks or orange squash which is what I usually drink. I would definitely buy this again.
REVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and PeachREVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and PeachREVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and PeachREVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and PeachREVIEW! Ribena Plus Apple and Peach