REVIEW! Strawberry Fanta

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Strawberry Fanta
This Strawberry Fanta was another product that was sent to me for review byAmerican goods specialists Yankee Pop. I am a big fan of Grape Fanta but have never tried the Strawberry version. Both are available from Yankee Pop as single cans or 12 can packs.
I can't think of many strawberry flavoured drinks in the UK which I think is weird because strawberries are quite a British thing so I am not sure we don't have this here. Anyway it apparently contains 100% natural flavours and 180 calories per can.
I wasn't sure I was going to like this drink because a lot of non diet fizzy drinks are really syrupy and I was thinking that strawberry flavoured Fanta was going to be extremely sickly. It is really rather sweet and it does have a distinctly artificial strawberry taste about it but you know what, I really liked it and it was actually really refreshing!
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Strawberry Fanta. I will still go for Grape Fanta when buying goods from across the pond but if there is no Grape then Strawberry is a good back up! REVIEW! Strawberry FantaREVIEW! Strawberry FantaREVIEW! Strawberry FantaREVIEW! Strawberry FantaREVIEW! Strawberry Fanta
You can buy American sweets online from Yankee Pop's website. They also have a Facebook page and you can follow them on Twitter.