I had a fancy for some flapjack the other day and when I was ordering my groceries online from Tesco, I did a little search and this Trek Cocoa Coconut Protein Flapjack came up. I am not really the sort of person who goes for protein bars or similar but it was the coconut part that attracted me. The 50g bar was 90p and it contains 236 calories. It also has 9g of protein; I am not sure if this is a big deal or not but sounded good to me!
The bar was a lovely golden brown with a dark chocolate flavoured topping. The texture was chewy with a bit of crunch from the protein crunchies (whatever those are?) and a lovely oaty flavor (they are gluten-free oats too). The coconut really complimented this bar and I was thrilled that it was real bits of coconut. The dark chocolate topping was nice too and dark chocolate was the right choice as apposed to milk.
I ate this flapjack for breakfast when I was in a rush one morning and it was really filling! It kept me going for a few hours and it was pretty darn tasty too.