OK so this is my first review on the Boresha B-skinny coffee, today makes it 8 days since I've been drinking their products. Let's start with all the things I like, first off I love the taste, and the energy you receive. Also with this coffee you don't "crash" later on the day after taking it, and it curbs my appetite. So Here's what happen, I take my 1st 12oz in the morning before breakfast and after I get done cooking breakfast I end up eating half my food, and I don't snack afterwards, normally I can another 4hrs before I feel the need to put something in my mouth. I do the same process come lunch and I get the same results.
Now here's my only downfall with the coffee, in order to burn more fat I drunk the entire 24 oz like 3hrs before I went to bed like 3 nights ago. BIGGEST MISTAKE ever, I mean unless you're planning on working the overnight shift I do not recommend. Basically it kept me up the entire night, I never "crashed" which is a double stander kind of thing, because you don't want to take a product that going to cause you to crash doing the day but when it's 4am and you haven't slept since 9am that morning, you want to go to sleep. That's the only problem I had, and it's not really an issue it was my fault because they do not recommend you take this product before going to bed. But I had to learn from experience.
So far the hardest part has been avoiding the scale, it gets so bad I have my boyfriend hide the scale because every morning I get up and like "where is the scale" lol.
Other than that I like the product, I feel it working and I got 2 more days before I get to hop on the scale and see my amazing results, and I can't wait.
PS I know this is late but I had my previous reviews and weigh in on youtube since last Wednesday, the links are below check them out and leave your comments. You can also catch what's new with me on a day to day on twitter.com/projectcassie
youtube links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvcpjHZsAFI
You can also check out www.simplyboresha.com in order to learn more about their products