Revis Asked

Posted on the 28 March 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

The most powerful archer ever
- as anyone worth salting would say-
is the tiny winged man
with a passionate plan,
slinging to give love a way.

Some question his authority,
and many have doubted his aim,
but he has a mission
regardless of wishin',
and plays by his own rule of game.

No armor has ever withstood him,
no army could hold him back.
No target's too hard-
no wall can keep guard!
No heart is safe from attack.

His poisons are varied composites.
His arrow, always on prime.
We've all been a victim,
which is why I've picked him,
as the greatest of all time.

Matticus and Revis wrote a book. It's excellent, and I'm not just saying that because I love them both, I read it twice and everything. To promote The Erratic Sun, they've decided on a few contests. Matt's had a few this month, and I'm going to do one next month, and Revis is asking his contestants to write a post answering who they think fiction's greatest archer is- and why.

I was going to go geek, but I just couldn't, not when Cupid is such a maniac. Go on over and check out the contest for yourself. I made those zombies in the background of Revis's blog header, all by myself, you know...

Okay, fine. Dave helped a little.


Can you think of a better archer? (Support an author and write a post about it.) Do you have any ideas for what sort of contest I should do? (Shh, don't tell my guys I haven't come up with anything yet.)