So now we can go into the movie after knowing the so called history or back story of the movie. I watched both the prequels of this movie in HBO and WB. I had no expectations while entering the theater. I have to say 120 bucks are not wasted. The film starts with Karl Urban sending out Riddick to Furya which is not Furya. Riddick fights out all the escorts but stranded in that unknown land. Now he left with nothing but he wants to escape from the land and go back home. It is the mission and story of the movie precisely. I would like to say the thinner line of the story more but then you won’t have much to enjoy in the screen. The movie is a mindless entertainer and you can enjoy a two hours of slashing, punching and shooting. And of course few punch lines and witty lines. There are not much dialogues in the movie, very minimal and mostly in the form of punch lines from the Riddick. Vin Diesel seems clear in what the fans expects from him. Just take two species of aliens kill them as a sample in the beginning and prove the fans that Vin Diesel can do it and then massacre it in climax. This is the entire movie and if you expect any surrealistic subtleties or bourgeoisie charm then you are at the wrong place. The movie starts of very well but as the film progresses the pace seems to lag at some point especially at the second half. I am not sure what they are trying to characterize with Riddick but surely they want the franchise to go on that is clearly visible all frames. The lag won’t bother you much if you are a gamer/Vin Diesel fan/Action movie fan. CGI needs a special mention because the movie was not in 3D this is a great relief to the movie watchers. Just for the sake of making money converting it into 3D makes uncomfortable to view the movie and they did it right by not making it or converting it into 3D. And the aliens are not very much different species, only two or three species of aliens are shown and they were portrayed very beautifully.
There are some disappointments which I wish to mention which doesn’t affect the film watching. First being Karl Urban, I expected a brief appearance at least but his was just a cameo. After Dredd and Star Trek I like to see him more in the screen. The second being Dave Bautista, the wrestling star who had no scope for acting(no one in that case) other than carrying a gun and riding a so called bike. From this movie it is sure that Bautista can’t make a big entry like Rock. Rock got his chances and he is just rocking. Dave Bautista – way to go, you may sure get a chance someday to become an actor in Hollywood, I liked your acting than your stunt in WWE.