R.I.P Peaches Geldof
Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Mummyb
I can't help but feel completely heart broken at the news of the death of Peaches Geldof. At 25, the same age as me, she leaves behind two children (one of which is the same age as Darcie) and a husband. I admired her. The way she was completely devoted to her little family, aired her opinions about different ways of parenting in a respectful way and all doing it whilst making it look so easy! Being a Mother seemed to come naturally to her, she took it in her stride even when the press would bash her. She was a big advocate of attachment parenting and promoted safe co-sleeping. Her two children Astala and Phaedra always looked happy and most of all well loved. It was clear she lived for those boys.Though it is not clear why she died yet, this has completely and utterly shocked me, a women of the same age as me, who I grew up with seeing in the media and chatted with on Instagram about our "chubby" babies is now not here. I can not even imagine to begin how her husband must be feeling. He now has to be so strong for his precious boys. Life can be cruel and unfair. Sleep well Peaches, you were taken too soon.Mummy B xoxox