1. Maybe you feel like you just need to survive the day. Here's how - How To Survive Valentines Day When You're Not in a Relationship
2. - 8. Not all singles are bitter about being alone on Valentine's Day. Here are 7 positive ideas on how to spend Valentine's Day. - 7 Ways For All The Single Ladies To OWN Valentine's Day This Year.
9. If you have a fun and sarcastic wit consider giving friends anti-Valentine's Day gifts - 25 Anti-Valentine's Day Gifts For Your Single Girlfriends
10. - 39. I'll be doing number 4 from this list. I'll be headed out of town to do some blogging business on the road. - 30 Valentine's Day Ideas for Fabulous Singles
40. Instead of Valentine's Day, Celebrate Singles' Awareness Day instead - Great Ideas For Single Awareness Day (S.A.D.) On February 14
41. - 47. Here are 7 ideas from the most popular girls guide, Cosmo. - The Single Girl's Valentine's Day
48. - 51. Single’s Awareness Day might spell out SAD, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. Here are 4 ways to get through the day. - The Single Girl’s Guide to Surviving Valentine’s Day
52. How about working on a really simple Valentine's Day Craft. Make our own free Love Joy Book Marks designed by moi, with free printable - Valentine's Day Gift, Free Love Joy Printable Bookmarks
53. - 59. Not all singles are women. Here are 7 Valentine's Day ideas from the guys perspective. - How To Spend Valentine's Day Alone. From Ask Men
60 - Watch movies that celebrate your singleness. Take your pick from these 32 films - 32 Movies To Make You Feel Great About Being Single On Valentine's Day
61. - 69. Here are 9 fun ideas for Valentine's Day, including learning the Single Ladies Dance. - How To Spend Valentine’s Day Single This Year (& Love It!)
70. Make a decadent single serving dessert just for you - 90+ Small Batch Desserts
71. - 80. Here are 10 Valentine's Day ideas for singles that include parents, pets, and strangers who could become future pals. - 10 Ideas for Singles to Have the Happiest Valentines Day Ever81. - 87. Here are 7 more ideas on how to make Valentine's Day awesome including making a list of why it is awesome to be single. - Even More Valentine’s Day Ideas For The Single Girl
88. Make some Valentine's Day cupcakes to share with friends and family 10 Easy Ideas for Valentine's Day Cupcakes
89. Or if you enjoy your dark side make a bloody heart cake and indulge while watching your favorite horror movies. Bloody Heart Valentine's Day Cake90. - 98. These ideas includes baking, babysitting, and bookstores - 9 Ways Singles Can Have a Great Valentine's Day
99. How about a Valentine's Day Drinking Game for Singles The Valentine’s Day Drinking Game For Single People
100. Spend sometime reflecting on past bad dates and be happy you are single. Here is one of mine - Dating a CAJT (Crazy Ass Joy Thief)With all of these ideas I'm sure us single folk can have the very best Valentine's Day. How will you be spending Valentine's Day? If you are not single now what did you do on Valentines Day when you were?