Run Like a Shorkie

Posted on the 16 May 2012 by Meplusmytrainer @meplusmytrainer
Workout Date: Wednesday May 9 5km Run
WARNING: This workout was done withOUT my personal trainer.
I got to thinking yesterday how awesome it would be to just go out and run your heart out, because you just love to run. Like with 100% pure joy. I feel like there are very few people out there that can honestly say they truly love to run all the time. Now me? I enjoy running. I love spending time with myself, I love the freedom, I love the way I feel afterwards. But let's be honest, it's hard work, you need to practice/train to be any good and there are often injuries that accompany regular running (of course proper rest, stretching and nutrition can prevent many of these injuries).
It got me thinking about Grando. Who is Grando?

Run Like a Shorkie

Hello! My name is Grando. Pleased to meet you.

Grando is a Shorkie (that means he is a super cute combo of a Yorkie and a Shih Tzu). I would define him as one of the few true lovers of running. For a little dog he can run. Fast. He runs like a deer running through a meadow. He runs super hard, so no matter how far you throw something for him he is running so fast that he always tumbles over whatever he is fetching before turning around and hightailing back to you. He always gives 100% (maybe even 101% at times). He has never been to a learn to run clinic, or been fitting for high end running shoes. He doesn't use ipod iruns or playlists or proper hydration, he just loves to run.
Proof. Here is a failed attempt at fetch the other day at the park (it was very windy and I am lame at taking videos of things. I didn't realize either of these things at the time.)

Today I decided to run, but with a little bit more of a plan. I decided I would try to run 5 km as fast as I possibly could. I would try and run like Grando. But I would prepare like a runner. I planned a route, cooked up a sweet little play list, ate and hydrated properly. Also, I never run without my lulu lemon wunder under crop capris. They are pretty much the best piece of workout clothing ever.
Side note: One of the reasons I love Seinfeld is that its a show about nothing. That was the very premise of the show. Jerry's comedy is about every day life and general observations.
Here are some of my inane "observations" from my run:
# of dead frogs: 2
Run Like a Shorkie# of frogs pretending to be dead but were really alive: 1
# bugs in my mouth: 3
the awesome smell of freshly cut grass
the loud tractor noise that was responsible for the awesome grass smell
# of smushed snails on the path: too many to count
# of times I was passed by the same creepy cyclist: 5 (not kidding)
amount of time it rained during my 30 minute run: 20 minutes (lol of course)
I couldn't find my keys before I headed out and out of desperation accused the dog of taking them. They were beside the sink in the washroom for some reason...
Despite the rain, my run was great. I always feel a little better and a little stronger after each run I do. I ran my 5km in just under 30 minutes. I start with a 0.5km warm up walk (this isn't included in the 5km). Then I broke into a steady, fast run. I also cooled down for 0.5km at the end (also not included in the 5km). It wasn't my fastest time ever, but considering it was only my second outdoor run this season, I was pretty happy.
I also spent about 15 minutes stretching afterwards (I have a special Bryan Adams playlist for cool downs-which includes but is not limited to "Everything I do" & "Heaven". I also played Robyn's "Show Me Love" to shake things up). It's so important to warm up and cool down properly.
The sweet thing about running is that is can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. You can simply put on running shoes and head out the door or you can plan and train for a marathon.
How do Grando and I match up? Here are our running "stats":
Name: Grando
Age: 8 months
Running Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Fitness Goal: To be able to play longer
Love of Running: Extreme/Ridiculous
Ideal Run: Anytime or anywhere, short, fast, naked & chasing something
Name: Tara
Age: 31
Running Level: Intermediate
Fitness Goal: Lose 10 lbs & build lean muscle
Love of Running: Love/Hate
Ideal Run: Steady pace with a great playlist
Now it's your turn. Go for a run like the little Shorkie you are. Send me your "stats" and I will post them.
"Yesterday you said tomorrow." -Nike (I love this quote)