…run with It

Posted on the 29 July 2015 by Zer @the2women

Did you hear that? That distant shattering noise? That was the glass first down being obliterated as the NFL hired its first female coach.

The Arizona Cardinals have hired Jen Welter to the team’s coaching staff, making her the first female coach hired by and NFL team.

Or to quote CNN: “It is believed that she is the first woman to hold a coaching position of any kind in the NFL.”

How is that possible? The NFL does not have an extensive enough history to qualify this kind of language. Admittedly, the beginnings of the NFL are a little scattered, but I would think that we can safely say that since the official beginnings of the NFL we know and love (and regularly question) today, there have not been any women hired for coaching positions…until now. NFL, if you can’t say that with certainty, we need to have a discussion about your record keeping.

Unless, they’re considering the possibility that at some point, some woman was allowed to utter a suggestion for how to play the game of football, and it wasn’t laughed off. Although, unless she was paid for that advice, it still doesn’t count.

Whether it’s certain or not, it’s an incredible step forward, but not as incredible as the overwhelmingly positive response. Have people finally realized that being blatantly sexist just makes you look like an idiot, or are they waiting until the season starts? Only time will tell.

She isn’t the only shot of estrogen the NFL will be receiving this fall, Sarah Thomas the first female official, will be a line judge for the 2015 season. This one they’re also pretty sure about. There’s a good chance she’s the first. Either way, it’s going to be an NFL season for the history books (probably).

CNN: Cardinals hire first female NFL coach

…bi-daily smile…