…Rush In

Posted on the 04 March 2019 by Zer @the2women

Welcome to the first Monday of March. To those of you enjoying March's lion-like charm, stay safe and warm. To those with lamb-like weather, this isn't about you.

On days like this, with spring just barely out of reach, we could all use some extra layers and a little extra motivation.

It will tempting over the next few weeks to just keep your head down and let the time fly by.

I get it, winter isn't everyone's cup of tea. Especially when it's showing off with its final dying burst of fury before giving way to spring. But that doesn't mean you should just rush through it.

I know it's cold, but don't forget to slow down (figuratively...frostbite and exposure are real). Yes it's cold, but without winter summer and spring wouldn't have nearly as much appeal, right?

So, by all means hurry as you try to keep warm during winter's last hurrah, but don't rush through it all.

Who knows, come August's endless heatwaves you may look back fondly on the frostbite. Okay, probably not, but you may tolerate the heat a little better if you remember the cold.

At the very least, staying positive and present won't make you any colder. So, that's something.

...just for fun:

Speaking of lions...