Diaries Magazine
What a great event... I was so touched that these ladies took time out of their busy schedules to come together and meet up. We had lots of great conversation, ate some good food, and just relaxed.
As we went around the room explaining why we started blogging and how far we've come - I realized once again what a wonderful community of people are in the blogging world. I am so glad to have connected with more ladies. We all were different ages, have different jobs and backgrounds... but I feel we all have something little in common.
Thank you to Jane, Tanja, Ana, and Steph for driving so far to meet up with us.
All of my girls across the country, when can we meet up?? :)
Thank you Sienna in El Dorado Hills for graciously hosting us in a private room!
The favor mason jars!
Leslie, Jane, Hayley, Shannon, Trish
Favor Station
How you know you're at a blogger event... lots of cameras!
Great group of gals! Thanks for coming out :)
Who attended?
Shannon at You Me and Baby G - @shantillyg
Ana at A + M - @aplusmblog
Hayley at See Hay Fly - @seehayfly
Tiffany at Living Savvy - @livingsavvyblog
Ashley at Domestic Fashionista - @domesticfash
Kimberly at Lush Deez - @LushDeez
Stephanie at The Sweet Life - @SLRosa
Trish at Trying to do it Gracefully - @Trishski1
Amy at Limit Reached - @mschick74
Kristen - The Happy Hour Queen - @thehhqueen
Jane at In the Pink and Green - @thepinkandgreen
Margaret at Nanny Goats In Panties - @nannygoats
Jennifer at West Sac Honey - @goshjenn
Heather at Country Girl's Journey from Ms. to Mrs. - @mrscountrygirl
Jessica at Dreaming of Dimples - @edhmarketinggal
Tanja at Postmodern Hostess - @tanjahester
Leslie at Gwen Moss Blog on facebook
Stay connected at SacramentoBloggers.com
As you know... many bloggers LOVE pictures. And we were no different.
Below is a link up for those of you who attended... that way we can all see your posts :)
Thank you!
Next meet up is September 22nd, 2012... {mark your calendar}
more details coming soon!
{Those of you who couldn't make this one... we will see you then!}