Sad Day for Bar Century

Posted on the 13 February 2016 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

I read with sadness that Bar Century formally known as Century Tavern is set to close. This place was the spot where my mates would hang out and we would have a blast. It all started when one of my good friends had his birthday there during our uni days. Since then we would go back to this pub to meet our gang of friends and have a great time.

One of the other factors that makes the closing of this pub so sad for me is this is where I met hubby. Yes we met at my uni friends birthday drinks so many years ago, 19 years to be precise. Yes that is a long time ago now. Wow has it been that long! How time flies.

We loved this pub. The cheap drinks, the decor, the fun we had there and just the vibe of the place. I must admit that we only went back a little once it was renovated. I liked it much better before they made it look more modern. I know it had sticky floors and it was dark and dingy in some areas, but it had character. I have a lot of great memories of this pub and the fun that was had with a good bunch of people.

Now when I tell the kids where mummy and daddy met it will be something different and not a pub or anything like it once was. I know times change and places evolve, however it would have been nice for this place to still be.

Bar Century's last day open with be February 27th so maybe I might be able to pull some strings and be able to go and have one last drink at our much loved pub.

As today is Valentine's Day; Did you meet your special someone in a pub like Bar Century? Is the place where you met your loved one still there or has it been changed and is completely unrecognizable? Let us know.

Note: I am working on the follow up posts Re: Nepean Hospital and settling a fussy baby. So stay tuned.