Salmon & Osprey = SPRING at the Clackamas River Cottage

Posted on the 01 March 2013 by Belladaze @belladaze

walking, fishing, flying – oh my!

February 27th:
During our daily walk my big dogs and I arrived at the river’s shoreline to find a picturesque drift boat making it’s way towards us . . . FISH ON!
The big salmon dipped, flipped, and dove. The dogs were very impressed when it also tried flying. Then the fish took a run under the boat to surface 15 feet from the dogs and I. In typical fisherman frenzy the men had not pulled their oars up enough and the line locked around one. FISH OFF and SWIMMING FREE. Lots of cussing – I covered the dogs ears while they studied each other and tried to grasp what they’d just witnessed!

February 28th:
The lonesome cry of osprey returned to the cottage’s nest tree today! The massive big birds leave in November and generally return around St. Patrick’s Day.
Yet today there was just enough sun to blaze a huge telling shadow overhead as I skipped out the door for an arm load of firewood. The female was extra vocal as she examined the nest. Then the resident pair of red tail hawks sounded the alarm from the butte.

Daffodils too. Spring isn’t following the dang paper calendar on the wall behind me. I better get the mower tuned up!

ps I picked a daffodil to save it from a banana slug and spotted a 4.5 inch baby snake trying to get out of my way. Life is Good along Oregon’s Clackamas River!