San Diego Tour Guide (Day 7)

Posted on the 28 October 2011 by Elliemendz @EllieMendz
Hey There:
Today is a Friday, the last full day of my friend's vacation. I didn't plan anything for this day so we could have a chance to do whatever he wanted.
What and where? San Diego Zoo!
Why? It's THE San Diego Zoo! Even the characters in Magadascar wanted to go there. I have a member pass so I go very often and really, and seriously, almost every time I go I see something new, those guys are amazing when it comes to re-distributing and using all available space. Now, as a member I normally take advantage of all the buses, the skyfari, not to mention the escalators. Why? Because the place is full of freaking hills, very steep ones, which are fun to go down until you realize you eventually have to go back up.
Granted because of my reluctance to walk I sometimes miss some exhibits like the gorilla and tiger one. But this time, my friend Tom and I walked to every single exhibit.....holy crap! Now I remember why I stopped walking all over the place. I was exhausted, but got to see everything.
Money saving tip: If you're a San Diego resident, you might as well take a look at the annual memberships since a single adult ticket costs $40, I remember it used to be more affordable.

San Diego Tour Guide (Day 7)

Condors, endangered, but getting a second chance thanks to the Zoo's efforts

San Diego Tour Guide (Day 7)

Elephants getting their pedicure

San Diego Tour Guide (Day 7)

They remind me of my cats

The polar bears will always give you great pics

According to the tour information, the plant collection at the Zoo is worth
more money than the animal collection.

These giant turtles love to be petted, I've done it a few times
Love these turtles!

What and where? Lunch at Mitsuwa Marketplace
Why? So far my friend hadn't had any sushi, but instead of taking him to one of many awesome Japanese restaurants we have in San Diego, I took him to a Japanese grocery store. That place is so cool, it's a grocery store coupled with with other smaller stores, like a library, a food court, a dishware store and many others. Of course, all the items are Japanese, but there's enough English around the store so you know where to find things. Very cool store and the only one I ever buy packaged sushi from, it tastes very good and it's inexpensive.
Money saving tip: At 7 PM they mark down all the sushi that's left by 50%, maybe you won't find your favorite ones, but you will get lots of sushi!

Mitsuwa Marketplace

My favorite Sushi

Sushi Parfait

What and where? Stroll on Ocean Beach
Why? This area is just awesome, very laid back, and I mean very laid back, lots of drunks at all hours of the day and night, artists, great stores, with a pier where lots of people fish from, a very cool Hostel that's always full of life with people singing on their porch and a dog park nearby. Not to mention all the bars and restaurants, great place to go!
Another reason we went there was to see the flourescent waves, which I believe it's a seasonal thing and somebody explained why it happens, but don't remember now (and am too lazy to Google it right now) but it looks amazing. When the waves crash, the white froth has a yellow fluorescent look, never seen it before.

Pic taken from the Hostel website, looks very cool and always full of people

This is from Cafe Bella inside a Quickstop...the food was very good!