So today was the final day of my NY friend's visit to San Diego, since he wakes up at 5:30 in the morning (NY time is 3 hours ahead) he has made it into a habit to walk to Panchita's Bakery (located on C Street in Golden Hill), get his coffee and his Mexican bread. I've lived in several areas in San Diego and always check out the Mexican bakeries, this is one of the few that gets it just right, especially the hot chocolate and the specialty breads like the Rosca de Reyes and Pan de Muerto.

What and where? Watch a football game at Shakespeare's Pub & Grill
Why? First of all, it's always a treat to watch the Brits cheering and singing for their teams and second, this would be a good game, it was Manchester United vs Liverpool. The game started at 4:45 AM (Yes! 4:45 in the morning!) I couldn't get up early enough to get there before it started, but I woke up at 5 AM, we got there by 5:30 and it was so packed that we had to sit in the patio where they put another TV. At my "slight" coercion my friend had bought a ManU t-shirt with Chicharito on it....he's a good friend! And the cool thing is that Chicharito scored the only goal of the match! Man oh Man, I can't wait for the World Cup! OK, OK, gotta focus...back to my tale.
My friend was impressed and even if he didn't understand the game too much, he liked the atmosphere, he got to see the sun rise (I didn't even notice) and by 6 AM the bar opened and he had a Guinness for breakfast!

Several flat screen TVs to watch games
Everyone glued to the screens
What and where? One last stroll at the Harbor
Why? Close to the airport and we had an hour to kill before I had to leave him there, so we had one more stroll and he bought a few more souvenirs.
My NY Friend
By the end of the trip my friend took over a thousand pictures and had the time of his life. Now in his case, everything centered in seeing more Mexican culture, exercising and not loosing his NY time schedule. Which meant more day activities and not a lot of night life. I normally cater the things to do depending on my visitor, if he had wanted to experience the night life, I know of places to go for every night of the week!
Once he left I was extremely tired and spent the rest of the day in bed, but his trip was very fun for me as well. I got to see everything in the eyes of someone who was fascinated by everything and as always I feel so lucky to live in San Diego!