With every major tragedy in recent history, there is a huge amount of controversy that surrounds it. The attacks on 9/11 have more conspiracy theories surrounding them than one can imagine. Entire websites, groups, and self-proclaimed “truth seekers” have hundreds of alternate explanations for the events that happened that day, but now there is an even crazier thought out there: the Sandy Hook shootings were faked.
When I first heard this, I just about exploded. If there is one thing I hate more than watching reality TV, it is having to be subjected to the idiots of this world that think there is a conspiracy behind every tragedy What a load of hoarse shit. But, because I am going to be logical about this, let me break down the arguments of these idiots for you quick and show you how much of a load of crap this is. Argument 1: Inconsistencies in the news reporting In the news driven world today, there is an ever-increasing push for news agencies to report every detail that is available. There is a careful balance between reporting accurate facts and reporting facts quickly, and in a tragedy like the Sandy Hook shooting, there are bound to be theories arising from the public that is interviewed, or early speculations by the police that may be proven wrong later. In this case law enforcement in the area did an amazing job by not releasing any major premature statements. Nevertheless news coverage at times proposed some theories for what happened that were very premature. At times there were thoughts on the news that there were 2 or 3 shooters, or that there was a bomb involved, but these turned out to be rumors, and obviously all these reports were retracted and replaced with the truth once full reports from law enforcement came to light. Even after all this, people still take these mis-reported sections of the news coverage as grounds to consider a conspiracy as the cause of all this. Argument 2: Police and other officials misspeaking or avoiding questions Obviously early in the investigation, there are a lot of things going on for police and other officials. One major point people make is the fact that there were many times that these officials misspoke or avoided entire points or questions asked by reporters. First of all, these people are in chaos mode. A major tragedy has just stricken this town, and the men and women that were tasked with trying to maintain order in this chaos were obviously distraught. It takes some serious guts to go in front of the press and answer these open questions they ask. So now they are faced with the task of answering questions to the best of their abilities, while maintaining their investigative integrity. This is not easy, and is probably so extremely stressful, you could not possibly believe. It is easy to misspeak, avoid things they don’t quite know the answers to or can’t discuss, or just get flustered. There are a lot more arguments that people are using, but these are the main ones that show up in video after video. People need to stop and think before they just believe anything they hear on YouTube. Please, use your mind for what it is worth. I don’t understand how people could possibly believe anything the conspiracy theorists say. I know this was long, but thank you for reading all the way. Come back for more!