Saturday Grind

Posted on the 26 July 2015 by Ballerinablogger
Took my day off yesterday to indulge in a little cross training. A light workout to keep stamina levels up and muscles mobile left me feeling absolutely refreshed especially after a big Saturday brunch. Having Trainer Trav around is always handy!

The perfect "recovery day" workout during summer intensives:  Spin a mile on the bikeSquat to presses x 10 (I used 8lb weights)Medicine ball slams x 15 (I used a 16lb medicine ball)TRX rows x 20 
-repeat three to four times- 
Abs:Sit-ups x40Bicycles x 15 on each sideReverse sit-ups x 20Penguins x10 -repeat three to four times-  I'll admit, I'm feeling a little sore this morning which reminds me I haven't exercised my muscles in that way since the beginning of summer intensives (three weeks ago!). However, I'm definitely glad I got up and moving yesterday, leaving room for a late-night ice cream run which hit the spot hard.  hope you're all enjoying your weekend <3  facebook   email   instagram   twitter   pinterest