Diaries Magazine

Saturday Social Hop #1

Posted on the 05 May 2012 by Fantasticfrugal @afrugalblogger
Next week I will be featuring things from this hop. Since this is week 1 how about some photos of my darlings from yesterday!

Saturday Social Hop #1

my 6 year old got a Teddy in the mail with a cast like her!

Saturday Social Hop #1

my 10 year old cooling off in the heat

Saturday Social Hop #1

my 3 year old found a new friend

Saturday Social Hop #1

this is an older pic but my fav of when we got our puppy I'm just sad my 13 year old wasn't in this shot

What Awesome Pinterest items did you do this week? Tell us all about it in The "Hop"
To keep it simple here are the "rules"
1. Please follow the host
2. Family Friendly Blogs only!! (non family friendly blogs will be deleted)
3. You my link your or blog main page, social networks OR a specific blog post about Pinterest to go with my 31 days of pinterest theme.
4. Please visit other linked blogs and spread some love.
5. Please Grab my 31 days of Pinterest and place it on your blog (not required but would be nice)
For next weeks hop I will grab a few of my favorite links for this link up and Feature your Blog on my Blog and you will be able to grab your very own "I was featured on...." button to show off on your blog!
The fantastic frugal

<center><a <span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">href</span>="http://<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">thefantasticfrugal</span>.<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">blogspot</span>.com/" target="_blank"><<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">img</span> alt="The Fantastic Frugal" <span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">src</span>="http://i1077.<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">photobucket</span>.com/albums/w461/<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">CrawMichStudios</span>/tff31pin.<span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word">jpg</span>"/></a></center>

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