
Saturday with Spools and Needles

Posted on the 23 February 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
Saturday with spools and needles
It's Saturday ...
I woke up early and enjoyed my tea in solitude, while the rest of the family was still sleeping.
To cherish the boys and a sleepover guest, I'll soon make some pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast ... One thing I like about weekends is having the time to dwell in tea and breakfast in the mornings.
Saturday with spools and needles
Later in the afternoon I've planned to repair some clothes - to iron and sew a few patches on trousers, neaten an edge of a sleeve or two, and fix my favorite totebag.
These things have been piling up since Christmas. Once you have the sewing-machine on the table, the repairing work itself doesn't take long ... from that point on there's always flow.
But how to get there?  ... You know the feeling when you've got this thing, you should do, but you keep on putting it aside, saying to yourself that "I'll do it tomorrow" - wondering therafter when that tomorrow eventually will come?
Saturday with spools and needles
Well, in the case of the patches for the trousers, the tomorrow has finally arrived.And for the tote bag as well.
Saturday with spools and needles
 I got this bag from a friend of mine - she's very talented and creative, so she sewed the tote for my birthday a few years ago.
Saturday with spools and needles
I like the patterns and the lace borders in this bag a lot,so I plan to sew new traps to it, using a blend of a cotton-linen-fabric. 
Saturday with spools and needles
I've repurposed these cute chocolate boxes to sewing kits - there's plenty of place to sewing rolls and needles in them! Enjoy your weekend ...... and a warm welcome  to new followers Marty, Gilina and EG Camera Girl!
 Linking to Freedom Fridays

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