Creativity Magazine

Saving the World, One Poem at a Time

Posted on the 05 October 2013 by Singingfool @singingfool1224

I just wrote a post that left me in tears. How could I publish something so ranty, so raw and so potentially argument provoking? I hit save, closed my laptop, and walked away to have my cry out.

Here I am again.

I’m very upset over not just the government shutdown and the lives in turmoil because of it, but over the reactions of people I know. I have never seen such vitriol, such a lack of compassion.

It gets to me.

But after a good cry and a good think, I decided that the world doesn’t need another rant from someone who has been hurt by what’s going on in Washington and how it trickles down to folks in the neighborhood. There are already plenty of rants on the Internet. Mine would get lost in the white noise, causing strife for the few who read this blog.

I’m not interested in creating strife right now, just to prove a point.

Instead, I’m choosing to contribute something positive.

I’ve been participating in OctPoWriMo, writing a poem for every day of October. Actually, I’ve been doing this since August. No, I haven’t been posting the poems on my blog – something about it felt wrong when I went to hit “publish” on the first, and I had to follow my instinct. But I have a journal full of poems, some good, some so awful they should be used as kindling.

In the spirit of contributing something beautiful to the world, I’m sharing one of them.


A breeze
can caress
with refreshment
a soothing kind of
sorcery whispering
of lands uncharted and fresh
horizons. Or unbid’n,
it may melt, or freeze
depending on
nothing much
at all


I also want to leave you with this admonition:

Don’t make the world uglier just to prove a point. Instead, maybe focus on helping out. If you know someone who has been furloughed or lost a job, assist them with the groceries or make them a meal. Babysit for someone who has lost their local childcare program. If I can help someone in some sort of material way, please let me know in the comments or send me an email. I may not have a lot to give, but I will help in any way I can.

Let’s treat each other with kindness and compassion. We’re in this together.

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Saving the World, One Poem at a Time

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