But whilst Autumn does mean the start of colder weather and darker evenings, it isn't quite the end of days out exploring. In fact with nature changing so much there's probably more to look at and see this time of year. I just bought Ethan a sticker activity book which is called Autumn Nature Trail and is from The Gruffalo brand. It hasn't arrived yet, but it looks great. It has different signs of Autumn to spot in it, things to collect, Autumn colours to find and pages to write about our Autumn days out. So I'm quite looking forward to doing that with him.

It seems odd to be all wearing our coats again, I know most people say that our warm weather doesn't hang around much here in the UK, but I felt like we had a lot of coat-free time. But now it's time to accept that it's all about the warm coats, boots, long scarves, gloves and the umbrellas again. But whilst Autumn may not be my favorite month of the year it's certainly not a month we plan to hibernate just yet, we have conkers to collect, leaves to kick, new places to explore and many more Pokemon to hunt! ;)

*The boys were gifted their lovely raincoats by Lighthouse Clothing. They are both wearing the Ollie Waterproof Hooded Raincoats. Ethan is wearing the Shark print and Logan has the Lighthouse Print. You can find them both here. :)