Scare Me Not!

Posted on the 16 May 2012 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I cannot for the life of me think of something entertaining that happened between yesterday and today to blog about, so I pulled out my handy notebook of “Ideas for Blogging” and one of the ideas in there was my fears. I think that everyone has one or two fears that just make them queazy to think about, like spider or for my little brother it is crickets. He used to have pet snakes, and he fed them crickets. I would have to feed them, and then recapture the leftover crickets after they were done eating, so he could sleep at night. ha ha. Funny boy.Anyway I am terrified of scorpions. When I was younger I put a shirt on while we were out camping and there was a scorpion in my shirt. It stung me all over my neck, and luckily it wasn’t too venomous, but I still had a swollen neck, and had to have the venom sucked out by a doctor. The rest of the night, I was supposed to stay awake to make sure I was still alive and they’d gotten all the venom out. Luckily, I am not dead. But the experience has scarred me.My other worst fear is car trouble. Last year my tire flew off while I was driving at least 75 mph on the freeway. Big O Tires hadn’t put my tire on the rim correctly and it wobbled all the nuts loose and flew off my car. Anyway it damaged my car pretty badly, but I was fine. When my car was out of control and sparking I finally made it to the side of the road and just sat and bawled. A little because I was scared, and a little because I knew that I would have to fix the car. After I fixed the car, i ended up selling it because every time I drove in him (his name was Vern), I felt like he was going to spontaneously combust, and I HATE dealing with mechanics (except my roommate) because they always try to screw me over. Like oh, the $29 price just went to $89 for an oil change, screw that! Anyway I am terrified that at any point while I am driving something will happen to my car, I will be all alone, and have no idea what to do. I think that I am scared of a lot of things like getting lost, losing my dog, finding a dead body, looking under rocks ( I always think there will be something horrible under there or dead reptiles), getting stuck in a cave… What is your number one worst fear? Ever.