Self Expression Magazine

Scento Markers Review

Posted on the 25 April 2012 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog
Scento Markers Review I was recently asked to review a set of Scentos markers.
My kids love these markers! Not only are the markers fat and the perfect size for little fingers, they're also bright and cute and smell really yummy!
Each marker has a fruity scent that cordinates with their color. The pink marker has a watermelon scent, red smells like strawberry, orange smells like orange, etc. Each marker is also wrapped in a bright, funny face wrapper which makes them a little extra fun and cheery. While the markers are fat and easy for little fingers to grasp the tip is just about perfect size... not too thin or too thick.
We received the markers to review about a month ago. After a month of regular use the scents are still strong and the ink has not even begun to run out. They still seem like new after many uses. (On a side note: as a migraine suffer I am extremely sensitive to scents but the Scentos markers do not have an overpowering smell. It's more like a faint yummy candy type scent in the air when the markers are in use and the scents have not bothered me at all.)
My only complaint is that the marker ink don't seem to be quite as washable as other brands of kids' washable markers. We noticed the ink doesn't come off the tile floor, table top or skin quite as easily as other washable markers but it does come out with a little extra scrubbing. I haven't had to wash the ink out of clothing (yet) but I suspect it will come out easily with a little stain remover.
I would recommend the Scentos markers to anyone with toddlers or kids of any age! My kids are 3 and 1 and draw with the markers quite often. I imagine every age group from toddlers to pre-teens would really enjoy these.
Thank you Scentos for letting us review the markers! We really love them! :)

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