Empyrea, an island in the Andromeda galaxy belonging to planet Vathura is serene. Everywhere your eyes turn, you will feast on the lovely birds singing their heart out in the lush green vegetation. Osiris Mysterio ruled the regions of Empyrea with his brother Tyrant Seth and with their children Pitheceus Babi, Kraity Wadjet, and Horus Mysterio.
5000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians were the only humans to receive the invitation to enter Empyrea. They gladly on-boarded into a Pegasus chariot and took their journey to Empyrea. Their journey is indescribable. Empyrea by itself was like a fairy-tale garden, an ocean of flowers and exotic trees.
As the Egyptians went further inside Empyrea, they saw its netherworld. They had mixed feelings when they saw the triangle shaped tombs and the bizarre headhunting people. Empyrea also had the blood-curdling creatures like the deadly dinosaurs, gigantic snakes, furious apes, ruthless rhino’s, massive mastodons and many other creepy creatures. This showed the power of the Empyrean Army and that no other army could survive their wrath.
The Emperor Osiris and the kings ruled Empyrea with powerful Scepters. With those powers, they were not only considered as kings but also worshipped as Lords. The Lords with the help of their scepter had the crucial power to transform themselves into giant creatures.
Egyptians while departing from Empyrea was gifted with a shortcut portal to earth and also with some people and creatures of Empyrea to build the Empramids in Egypt. Overwhelmed with happiness they took the shortcut door and returned to Egypt.
However, the happiness was short-lived in Empyrea. The Empire of Empyrea was betrayed for ruling earth avariciously. Somehow the Emperor of Empyrea locked the shortcut portal and asked the Egyptians to safeguard it. The Egyptians, on the other hand, failed to safeguard the portal. And some gangsters accidentally opened the shortcut door in 2017 A.D, entered Empyrea, and inadvertently got access to the Lord scepters.
So, now the Earthians were left with no choice but to battle against the merciless predators and headhunting people in their heroic journey. Their ultimate fate lied in an empire beyond imagination. They would take their stand against the powerful lords, who brutally led their people to war against planet Earth.
Did the gangsters protect the earth from danger, or left the other world to accomplish their tyrant rule on Earth? Explore the world of Empyrea to unravel the truth behind this mystery.
The Cover: A white ape humongous in size and a small but equally confident looking green man facing it with calm... To be honest, I did not pay attention to the cover until I entered the fantasy world and then obviously went back to it to refer and verify what I read and imagined. So yes, I do like the cover page. It does not spill any beans and is relevant with the theme.
How did I like the book:
In the minimum words possible, I would call this book as an absolute page turner. Treasure hunt, pyramids, life beyond pyramids, puzzles, Serpents, Dinosaurs, Gorillas, Mammoths, White magic, Dark Magic, modern day action, laughter, tears... Name an element of Hollywood movie and it's there.
I would not say that it was a perfect read - I noticed some typo's here and there mostly related to tenses (The author moved to and fro in present and past tenses a lot) which did break down the enthusiasm. Although a parts were a little predictable, but yet, there was a smooth blend of two worlds!!!
I could not stop laughing at the mention of Thunder god - Thor!!! Seriously, there was no need of taking a cue from Avengers! Then, who would ever imagine a call from bank for a credit card when you are fighting for your life!!!
The language of the book felt simple and easy to go along. I also liked the narration style - the fantasy world was all alive right in front of my eyes while reading it. Yes, It's a thick book and I did skimmed through a few pages - specially the war part, But I am still impressed and really liked it. The little illustrations also helped me relate to the imagination as a reader. Only if they were as in number as portrayed in the trailer! But then, I did admire the ones which were there.
Truly I am pleasantly surprised at the fact that it's Mr. Vignesh Ravichandran's debut novel. Would I recommend it to anyone? Definite yes to any fantasy lover.
PS: I wanted to give 3.5 stars (0.5 stars minus for the typos, grammatical errors), but then since I did enjoy it, I preferred to get the author an upper hand... :)
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