
Posted on the 28 May 2013 by Zer @the2women

Slowly, yet surely, we’re moving towards the summer and all the fun and sun that comes with it.

Which can only mean one thing — sunscreen.

Or for those of us who know the true dangers of the January solar rays — more sunscreen.

It turns out that those of us who live in the good old US of A have been missing out on the good stuff.

Yes, my fellow SPF 75 (and higher…occasionally) wearers, the man has been keeping us down (or at least our SPF).

Eight sunscreen ingredient applications that have been successfully tested and sold outside of the US, have been pending before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for years.

Considering that sunscreens available in the US promise to block out our sun, and any UV rays that may make their way here from any other suns (the dangers of starlight burns are seriously under-discussed), you can only imagine what these pending products could “protect” us from.

Sure, we still have our “broad-spectrum” (not sure what that spectrum is…), but is it enough?  Sure we might suffer from a serious vitamin D deficiency, but shouldn’t that be our choice?

More on the Story: Wall Street Journal

…just in case you’re not paranoid enough already: