Seasons Of Change

Posted on the 23 April 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals


I find the title of my post comical, since it seems like the only season we are getting in Colorado is winter...I am definitely READY for a change.

I answered a question earlier today in my I Wanna Know post. It was a brief answer, because when I started to think about it, I was flooded with a ton of emotion. A reader asked me, "Why did you start your blog?"

I get asked this question almost every time that I do a V-Blate and I always say the same thing, "I was bored, in the middle of nowhere, lonely, and wanted to keep in touch with my family and friends." That is the real reason I started my blog, but now when I look back over the past 10 months, I am overwhelmed by everything this little space have given me.

It has brought me so many dear friends. I cannot explain to you the amount of amazing women I have met through this blog. Girls that I consider real friends. Amidst the ups and downs of daily life, they constantly bring me encouragement and put a smile on my face.

It has shown me I can do anything I put my mind to. I never expected to make a business out of my blog. I didn't even know you could sell ads or get approached to do product reviews from companies when I started. These were things that came along over the past few months. I would be lying if I said it isn't nice to be able to contribute to our grocery bill or utilities, and I love discovering new companies and products. I amazed myself at how I was able to learn everything about branding my blog from scratch and it has been such a blessing to watch my blog grow.


It has taught me a lot about myself. Your blog is somewhere you can sit and vent. You can get things off your chest and honestly say how you feel about something. It has been an outlet for me and a way for me to not only express my emotions, but also to use my creativity in fun ways.

The blogging world has also brought to my attention that no matter where you go or how old you get, people are people. I think I started blogging, thinking it was this magical place where everyone is encouraging and it's all smiles and rainbows. I have seen the ugly side of the blogging world as well. I have seen girls cut each other down, witnessed horrible spurts of girl-on-girl jealousy and even seen friendships dissolved. That was something very hard that I had to accept. I had to get to the point where I knew I didn't want any of that in my life (or around my blog), so I made the decision to remove myself from any relationships or situations that would drag me into that part of this world. And you know what? It is such a freedom and relief.

The pictures is this post make me feel relaxed and happy. They remind me of the simplest things that exist in our world. As I keep moving towards welcoming a baby into our family, I've thought a lot about my blog. Ryan always tells me that the second she arrives, she will become my whole world and I'll never want to be doing anything but spending time with her. I believe that is mostly true, but I know that I value my blog and the personal outlet it gives me as well.

After 10 months, I realize this blog became so much more than I ever thought it would...

But as life moves on, we go through seasons of change. Things that seemed so important to me a year ago, seem silly or minuscule in the grand scheme of things. As I've started to make friends in Colorado, I find that I would much rather be spending time with them, over posting three blog posts. I would never trade community or spending time with my husband or my future daughter, for the time I put into my blog. I know that some things are going to need to change. I am not sure that I will keep sponsor slots once my baby is born. I will focus more on writing from the heart and things I truly care about, since my posts will be fewer due to smaller amounts of free time. I will focus on the relationships and women that make my blog such a joy in my life, and let any drama or negativeness slip through the cracks and out of my thoughts.

Will all of these changes be easy? Yes. I think that as our circumstances and lives change, we re-prioritize. Can I have a baby and have my blog? Of course! But I know that Wifessionals will pale in comparison to that sweet little bundle of joy when she gets here.

None of this is to say that I don't love my blog - that I don't plan on giving my all to sponsors I have in the next few months or that I'm not THRILLED to be working with so many great companies in the near future. I am so excited about the things coming up in the next few months! It will be an amazing time that I want to enjoy and put my heart into, because I do have the freedom of free time for now.

I've just had these thoughts of priority and change running through my mind and I wanted to share. Lately I have seen many other bloggers switching to new paces and focuses as their lives have been changing, and I know that some of those changes are coming for me too.

Are any of you in a season of change? Have you gone through one before while blogging? I would love to hear how you've made adjustments, plan to prioritize, and what things you maybe had to let go of in exchange for focusing on something bigger in your life.

"I've left the sunshine, sand, and small town, in exchange for rainy days, royalty, and romance."
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