Since my life consists of nothing new and/or exciting except for food sensitivities, food sensitivities and more food sensitivities I have another post almost completely full of food sensitivities…..
Yes…. That’d be me eating my SoBe LifeWater at 10:30am this morning.
So, I’ve been eating gluten/dairy free including some other random foods like apricots, pistachios, and potatoes for two days and the synopsis is I’M HUNGRY!! My meals are pretty sad since I haven’t gotten all creative on the food front yet and when it comes to snacks I have zero options that sound exciting except for fruit. I’m hungry like 178% of the day!
Luckily I found a great tool to aid in this Contraband Food Experience. In Target I found Fitbook. A great nutrition/fitness tracker that lasts exactly 12 weeks (perfect) and will allow me to track my food and how I feel when and after I eat it. It also has a whole section for fitness so I can track my fitness levels and how my tummy reacts to it. Total SCORE!
Today we started printing the BIGGER pieces for the artist down in LA. They take twice as long and make me go insane twice as much. Luckily I have a million more minutes to play Bubble Bust on my iPhone since I’m stuck on level 33 and can’t pop my bubbles fast enough to make it to 34.
I feel like this blog has been slightly off since before my Hiatus and I’m sorry for that. I definitely don’t like it at all. But I haven’t been my completely happy, slurpee dancing self. Too much stress on food and limitations. I think anyone being deprived of yogurt, peanut butter, and cookies would be a little grouchy…… Right?
In terms of the Food Sensitivities and how I’m feeling…. I can’t tell a difference yet. But I’m still detoxing off all the things that make my tummy sad. They won’t be completely out of my system until Friday so I have to hold out to hopefully start feeling better.
I was itching to workout today…. I actually put on my fire bolt pants, black Nikes and my sports bra and watched my workout DVD on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn. It’s not exactly like participating in the workout but I think I got some second hand endorphins.
Look at my new toy! It’s waterproof for carrying it on sweaty races, shock proof for dropping it during said races because my hands get sweaty and it slips out, and cold proof so it can withstand making snow angels at Christmas.
….. Because I really really REALLY like making show angels.
How was your Tuesday? What was the best/most exciting thing that happened?
If you could be on a desert island with one celebrity who would it be?
I’d pick Johnny Depp because, let’s face it we’ve all seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean and we know what Johnny’s like on the island…………….
Do you like colored electronics?
I do…. I have a blue camera and computer. Matching is essential!