Self Expression Magazine

Second Viper Challenge

Posted on the 04 November 2014 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Why second?

My first viper challenge I joined as a volunteer. Haha. And last Saturday (1st November 2014), I joined my second viper challenge but this time as a participant. So early this year (if I’m not mistaken), when viper challenge started selling their pre-sale tickets for 1st and 2nd November’s event, WC asked me if I wanted to join then of course I say yes lah. Haha. We were still just friends then. And I have always wanted to join but don’t know who to join with so when he ajak-ed me I was thrilled. So we went as a pair, a group of 2 and we named our team ‘Mac & Cheese’. LOL. That time we were thinking of a group name and somehow Mac & Cheese just clicked cause both of us happen to like eating Mac & Cheese.

Last Thursday evening, WC, KF and I traveled back to KL. We quite lucky cause KF wants to go back too then can tumpang and balik together. Friday I spent half of the day lazing around and potato-ing. Then evening I went to Cheras Sentral to buy cold milk. Haha. Also bought some power bars and power gels cause Dad said that according to my cousin who went for viper challenge last year, it was useful. I bought a couple of extras for PBIM also. After mini shopping trip, went home makan dinner, packed stuff then slept.

Next morning I woke up around 3.15am then I went and take a quick shower. After shower, I made scrambled eggs while WC came over to my house. I cooked 3 eggs for WC and 2 eggs for myself. Quite filling leh. Haha. Then we cruised through the empty highway in WC’s bumblebee all the way to Sepang International Circuit. When we arrived, there were a lot of cars already. We changed into our sport shoes then headed to the registration counter. Okay so from my observation the registration process this time so much better than the previous viper challenge. Though got a bit confusion of directions and signs. Haha.

Our start time was 7.40am and we arrived slightly before 6am. Which leaves us an hour plus of time to kill. Oh and also our wristbands were gray color! Haha. One of our favorite color. LOL. Since we had so much time, we went and explore the area a bit. The corporate suite wasn’t locked so can go explore the place where VIPs watch the race. Haha. Around 7am we ate our power bar then warmed up a bit then gathered at the start point. I super awkward in those kinda environment where the MC interact with the crowd and the crowd responds. Haha. Pelik punya Kim.

Both of us didn’t train for this viper challenge thing. Well I wanted to train a bit during the mid semester break but always rain. So tofu WC and tofu Kim took our own sweet time completing it. Haha. To be honest I don’t remember every single obstacle. But I’ll tell you some interesting (to me) stuff that happen.

I managed to pass Obstacle 4!

This one I super happy. Haha. There were a few obstacles which were extra hard and many people took a long time to attempt it which led to a long queue at the obstacle. This was the first of it. Aiya I forgot what they call this obstacle. But there’s this wall with like a couple planks of wood. At the sides there were planks for your foot and hands. At the middle part only planks for your hands and you had to carry yourself across without planks for foot for about 1.5m kot. I’ll try to post a pic of this obstacle when Google image has it. Haha. I guess it’s pretty hard for you to imagine from my hopeless description. Initially I was quite scared cause a lot of people couldn’t pass it, men or women. Well the first 3 obstacles were not much of a challenge lah. Haha. So this forth obstacle got me nervous. BUT, somehow I managed to pass it! And I was super duper happy lah. Cause lots of people who look sporty also couldn’t pass it. WC told me that look sporty and is sporty is different. Fair enough.

Mr. Monkey

WC and I walked 98% of the time throughout the whole course.  We didn’t wanna get tired unnecessarily and I was wearing the sport shoes a size too small and my feet hurt like crap. So along the way we talked crap and stuff lah. And sometimes when WC hears something in he trees he’ll call out ‘Monkey!’. And there was once this uncle in front of us turned back and said ‘haa’ when WC called out ‘Monkey!’. It was like he responded to monkey. And I thought it was super funny lo and silently laughed for quite some time. However WC thinks it wasn’t funny and said he laughed because I was funny. -_-

WC met his primary school friend!

At one of the obstacle, the vertical wall if I’m not mistaken, a big size guy called out to WC. So they chatted a bit while I went and observe the obstacle. LOL. After we passed the obstacle, WC was like ‘You know who was that ah? My primary school friend!’. I guess he was quite happy that his primary school friend remembers him. Haha happy boy. Oh he also met one of his other friend, a long distance runner. Both his friends started at 8.40am but managed to catch up with us who started at 7.40am. I felt like a snail. Haha.

Encountered nice people.

WC and I went as a pair. At some obstacles, WC alone couldn’t help me, it needed the help of more than one person. And I was really glad that there were many nice strangers out there that helped us out. There was this guy who lost his right arm that participated too. A lot of people helped him through obstacles. I’m super proud of those strangers lah cause it’s so hard to see kind gestures nowadays. I didn’t get to help anyone though, but WC did help this big ass guy up an inclined wall. Oh wait, does helping WC wipe his sweat count? Haha.


There was this one obstacle, the inclined wall in which I wasn’t able to pass it by myself. WC passed it swiftly though. So we were walking away from the obstacle with me feeling down because it was the first obstacle that I couldn’t pass on my own. Then WC was like ‘Eh I can push you up what’. We were about 50m away from the obstacle and we turned back. LOL. So he pushed me up and I was able to pass it. And of course super happy after that.

My boyfriend damn ‘geng’!

Second Viper Challenge

The final obstacle was this one floor (similar but much higher than the pic above) high skate ramp-ish thing. The participants had to run up the slope and pull themselves up. A lot of people couldn’t pass this, many wear going up with the help of people holding down ropes from above. Only a few managed to complete it without any help, and they would like face the crowd and do the ‘yeah!’ gesture once they have succeeded. I told WC I couldn’t do it cause my feet hurt so badly from 20KM walking in a shoe a size too small. Haha. I thought WC wouldn’t do it either cause he said his arms were tofu already. But after looking at the obstacle for a while he told me he could do it. And so when the area was clear WC attempted it and he succeeded so smoothly! I was so amazed. Monkey boy didn’t even face the crowd and straight away went towards the stairs. Haha. I, upon seeing his success quickly rushed to the finishing line, even accidentally bumped into someone’s tummy. Ewww.

I went to WC and was like ‘Whoa my boyfriend damn geng! My boyfriend damn awesome!’. Super proud of him. There were a total of 20 obstacles. I managed to pass 16 obstacles, failed 2 obstacles, and didn’t attempt 2 obstacles. WC passed 17 obstacles, failed 2 and didn’t attempt 1 obstacle. Overall I was quite impressed with team Mac & Cheese lah cause both of us came unprepared and tofu and managed to pass quite a lot of obstacles. And WC damn amazing can pass the last obstacle swiftly. Whoa thinking about it now still feel it’s damn awesome.

There was a team from USM and they started 6.40am but finished around the same time as us so I felt a bit better, we weren’t that slow after all. We took about 6 hours to complete the whole thing. After we passed the finishing line we got our finisher medal, finisher tee, cert and some vouchers. Got juiceworks voucher! WC never try before. LOL. After we rested a while and changed, we headed back to Cheras. Dropped by Cheras Sentral to have late lunch at Smashies Burger, the place I wanted to take WC to for his birthday but tak jadi. After lunch he dropped me back and I showered and potato-ed like a boss. Damn tired. Haha.

I told WC that we need to come again until we can pass all the obstacles. And he was like yeah why not. So glad I had WC with me throughout the whole course. I’m quite happy with our achievement. Haha.

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