Secret Blogger Swap - Hosted by Danielle

Posted on the 30 May 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
Danielle, over at Framed Frosting, hosted a blogger swap of gigantic proportions. I'm really not sure how she did it all, to be honest! How it worked was a blogger signed up, gave a list of some of their favorite things, and then agreed to send someone else a package by May 23rd. You might be seeing these posts around "blog-town" because today is the day to reveal the secret and share our swaps!!

"My" swap was Aimee, @byAimeeSki, at By Aimee and Fancy Little Things. I hope she liked what I sent her, even though I had to wrestle a bubble mailer to fit it all in... I didn't plan ahead very well.
On Tuesday I checked my mail and discovered a package for me! It was from Baylee at The Day I Stopped Making Cents. She left me the sweetest note that she already followed Three Years Down. I blushed. #truestory

I opened the package to find the CUTEST frame. I can't wait to find the perfect picture to go in it.
Not only was there a frame, there were several bottles of nail polish in super fun colors, and a magnet to Bellingham, WA, where Baylee lives! I lived in WA during law school and really miss the state. So it was a happy reminder :).
I must have said I liked butterflies in my survey (I do), because there were also these adorable candles. I love them! I've never seen anything like it. 
I felt so special opening Baylee's package to me. I really, truly appreciated all of the thought she put into it. Be sure to make your way over to her blog!

Thanks, Baylee!