Like the prodigal son after a long bout of riotous living, we are making our return. Even those of us who are still away on some adventure or other, are ultimately bound for home. It's a built-in given of the human condition. Life in materiality is temporal, and ultimately leads nowhere but to death of the flesh. A stark truth.
We are all eventually going to return to love.
"This life soon be over, I say. Heaven last always." ~ Celie, in The Color Purple
But we can return now. Today. Even in this moment. It is not necessary to await a heavenly reckoning. Nor is it necessary to drop the body to return to that seat of original love. The truth is that right here, right now in this moment, (because this moment is all we have), lies our only guarantee, if there can be any. We can return.
At this moment, we exist in a place of consciousness that if we choose to become aware, we can shift the way we perceive reality. It is this moment that can return us to a new heaven and new earth, so-to-speak. It's as easy as miracle-making.
"All you need is love. Love is all you need." ~ John Lennon, Paul McCartney
A Course in Miracles defines a miracle as a shift in perception from fear to love. We can cease to prioritize only what our senses accept. We can resist banking on only that "sure thing," whatever we think that could possibly be. We can risk imagining something beyond the limitations of what we have been taught to accept as the official version of so-called reality. It would be a relief, really, for if this version was all we had to go on and trust to feel secure in the world, how futile! This world is an illusion that we made up, (are still making up), and in the ensuing merry-making, we forgot what was true and who we were.
In the process, we strayed a long way from home, from an awake and aware consciousness, from a consciousness of original love. But the good news is that in the moment we make a shift, we can begin to return to a truer understanding, a greater awareness, a higher vision for what is possible for ourselves, for each other, and for the earth we inhabit. We can hone a sharper alignment with the source of our being, (what Ramtha* calls "the Lord God of your being"), the seat of our soulful beginning.
In fact, we really do not have to go anywhere. This awareness is always present in us, with us. We do not notice because we have believed our eyes. We have learned to believe that the only thing that matters is what is recognizable to our senses, that if we can see, feel, touch, taste or smell it, that's a sure sign of reality. And we eventually find ourselves "in the trick bag," (as my daddy would have said), contending with the reality already constructed for us, and which we have obliged to participate.
"When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift." ~ Eve Ensler
If we truly want to return to reality, to what is true and good and real, we must shift. We must recognize that while we are here participating in this interesting material experiment, we ought not get too hooked in because nothing here lasts, can last, except for love. And I'm not talking about your everyday gooey, gushy, romantic type love that is thrust upon another, but the love that creates worlds.
But it is our choice. We can choose to shift our attention. We can allow our consciousness to expand.
The truth of the matter is that whether or not we choose to return now or later, we are going to do exactly that. Now, however, makes good sense. Now can make the life we live here today more bearable, more joyful, more lovely. It begins with and in us. When we make a conscious choice to return to what matters, we are seeding new possibilities for this world.
Make the shift. Only love is real. Only love can return us.
* A spiritual being channeled by J Z Knight

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