Seize the Day

Posted on the 24 May 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

True Grit preset & Rainy Day texture by Kim Klassen

Setting the table, preparing the dinner.Being in this moment ...Not remaining in what has been, not thinking about what what is to be ...Just this unfolding moment.
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Thank you Kim for the Be Still 52-inspiration - such a wonderful class! 

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Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared.Jesse Browner 

True Grit preset & Rainy Day texture by Kim Klassen

The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. 

When mindfulness embraces those we love,they will bloom like flowers.

Thich Nhat Hanh

With weekend greetings,

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