Sent From My iPad

Posted on the 13 May 2014 by Meera

Every time I send a mail nowadays, I smile big at the end of it, seeing this line. Sent from My iPad. Yes. My prize reached me safe n sound. Thanks to PAUS judges and the team BlogAdda for choosing my story - The Shave, among many other interesting entries, to reward me with this sleek and wonderful gadget. I also take this opportunity to thank all my blogger friends who tagged me and encouraged me to write. :-)
After taking iPad lessons from my brother, I am now glued to my iPad, trying to explore it. Surfing, clicking, downloading apps & games, trying to watch movies n read books etc etc. I am already loving this. I have always found its smooth touch screen amusing whenever I use my brother's and cousins' iPhones. Today, I own one iProduct myself.

And now I joined my iFamily too. :D

I am happy. I am excited. Because I earned it. Alhamdulillah!

I feel like I am in cloud 9.. er.. ‘iCloud 9’...! ;-)