…Serve It Up

Posted on the 09 July 2012 by Zer @the2women

Well Crusaders, it’s been an eventful day, what started with breakfast at Wimbledon has transformed into a longer journey than previously imagined.

But like the victorious Roger Federer (congrats sir) and the sadly second Andy Murray (we were pulling for you buddy) 2WC knows how to roll with the punches, so here we are with a later than usual blog.

We could share some of our mad tennis skills, but that would be a very short blog, so we’ll spare you that.

The truth of the matter is things don’t always go as planned, you don’t always come in first. The trick is to know how to deal with it. In that respect we don’t claim to be experts , but here’s our four cents anyway:

Stephanie: Be gracious. You’ll like yourself more for it and so will everyone else. Be patient. It’s a virtue that I’ve yet to fully grasp, honestly, but it’s a good plan in tennis and in life.

Zer:Be quiet. True, everyone respects a gracious loser, but you should also let the victor have their moment. So take a bow, and step aside. Be hopeful. You may be down (for now), but there’s always tomorrow. Plus, a few falls make the victories that much sweeter.

So there you have it. If you ever find yourself coming in second at Wimbledon (or dealing with a less than satisfactory journey), just remember these tips from the 2WC. We’re here for you, even when you lose.

…just for fun: