Set Me Free

Posted on the 12 May 2013 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
Life is an unsolved mystery , a maze that the heavens control but we like pawns on chess board play as planned ..... few lines on jigsaw puzzle of life
Set Me Free

My heart my soul your aches
None can hear your shrieks
Nor one knows
Who set ablaze my wings

The mystery of blood shed
When my heart was strewn apart
I watched him play with
The chords of his only violin

No questions I can ask
I Know if my eyes rained and poured
None would be there to console
The irony of life I must live with it

My nights and days are swarmed with thoughts
I can see him play with
And roll her in his arms
And hear his loud chants
" You are amazing, I love your beautiful skin "

My knees have become too week to
Sail me through the agony and pain of life
They refuse to take the lead and I am told
Freedom of my souls is the only remedy

"O heaven of wonders" I hate your world of treachery
The shining stars , the moon are none but a cleverly placed grift
An unknown maze , I am forced to wonder
Would you create space for me or force me to live few lives in smog
Before you set my soul free 
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