Self Expression Magazine

Set to Wandering

Posted on the 26 June 2013 by Khourianya @khourianya
(For some reason this didn't publish Sunday as planned...)
This morning, I had to drive our little houseguest home and, after I dropped her off, I somehow found myself at the river.  I hadn't planned to go down there, but something drew me down there to see it for myself.
Once I got past the media circus on Crescent Road (which is located on the ridge above downtown, for those of you not from here), I found our city forever changed.
I am beyond words about it all.   As I walked, I made notes of my observations.  I think they say it best.
Humid. So humid.
Generator hum
Police tape.  One officer commenting "I would think it should go without saying to NOT go under the tape"
Set to Wandering
White fluff.   The poplar trees still think it's business as usual.
Avenue of mud.  Riverside avenue and the lower deck of the bridge are caked in mud.
Set to Wandering
Media shitshow
Set to Wandering

"I always forget how nice it is down here" So many people only there for the show.

Police tape in the breeze
Set to Wandering
Army on patrol. Choppers overhead. Trucks on Memorial.
Set to Wandering
Rushing water.   So fast.
Set to Wandering
Set to Wandering
Memorial drive has a new memory now.
Set to Wandering
Donuts for the police officers.  People carrying tokens of appreciation to those keeping us safe.
Set to Wandering
Meditative sadness.  So many people staring out over the water with tears on their cheeks.
So much sightseer litter it will need a cleanup effort of its own.
Water like chocolate milk.
Set to Wandering
Set to Wandering

Other images from the walk:

Set to Wandering
Set to Wandering
Set to Wandering
Set to Wandering

It was so hard to see it all.  When I talk about a meditative sadness - it really was the overwhelming feeling of the day.  the water is receding but it still has a way to go and who knows what horrors lie beneath the areas still submerged.

My walk today only strengthened my resolve to get out and help with the pathway cleanup on my vacation...but who knows how much pathway still exists :)

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