Seven Quick Takes

Posted on the 11 November 2011 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

1. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada (Veteran’s Day in the USA). We get a day off work to relax and enjoy ourselves. A couple generations ago, soldiers fought so we could have that right to do what we like, to become whoever we want to be. Let’s never forget those individuals who sacrificed everything for us.

2. Kyle and I are *hopefully* closing our deal on our new house Tuesday! We have our inspection on Monday and then possession is just under two weeks away! We can’t even comprehend it. There’s SO much to do in so little time still. I feel the urge to pack but there’s nothing I can pack because we’re still living in our townhouse.

3. I have a big announcement at the end of the month … !

4. My dog has been eating like a pig lately. Normally, she eats whenever she feels, which means that I can put food in her dish in the morning and she maybe won’t eat until the next day. It’s very bizarre, but she’s not super active, so I’m not too worried. But the past few days? Two meals a day! I’m thinking she’s getting ready for the colder weather. (She looooves to just lay outside in the cold!) And with our new house having a big yard, she’ll definitely be more active.

5. I have opted not to go to the office Christmas party this year. I didn’t go last year either since Job #2′s Christmas party was the same night and I was more the same age as my coworkers. My current job? Not so much. And I don’t have as much of a camaraderie with my coworkers. Not that I don’t love the people I work with and my job! I just don’t feel I *fit* with the company yet. I’ll probably spend the evening unpacking boxes and organizing my new house.

6. Tomorrow marks the one-year date since Kyle proposed to me and I said “yes.” I can’t believe it’s been one year since he proposed and that we’ve been married for just over five months. Every day is amazing and I’m so lucky to have such a great husband.

7. We had our first little snowfall on Monday, and another little one Monday night, so I guess winter is officially here. Although today it’s 10°C right now (50°F) with quite a bit of wind. I’ll be fine with it not snowing again until we move!

Are you an office Christmas party goer? Are you ready for winter?