Diaries Magazine

Severe Weather Disaster Preparedness

Posted on the 13 March 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
I can't speak for everybody, but one of my favorite things to do once Tyne is settled down for the night is to watch American Tv shows .... and my current favorite has to be Doomsday Preppers!
There are so many people out there who are taking extreme measures to ensure their survival should the world suddenly be thrown into disaster...
Of course, zombie apocalypses and Armageddon aren't things that most of us think about on a day to day basis...but what about natural disasters that occur every day, in all parts of the world? Aren't they a real threat to our homes and families that we should be considering?
Severe Weather Disaster Preparedness
Just take a look at the extreme weather conditions suffered recently - floods causing damaged property , making the homes of real families, just like yours, to be unlivable...what happens then?
If the worst was to happen, do you know what your rights are? Are you protected? have you prepared in any way?
I have to admit, I personally haven't and after seeing these things happen so close to home I will be taking action to ensure that we are protected...
I have always been a forward planner and a "better safe than sorry" sort of person, so why wouldn't I apply this logic to protecting my family and our home?Understanding what you can do now before a storm or disaster strikes will make your recovery easier and hopefully less stressful.
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