Shades of September

Posted on the 06 September 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
 I've enjoyed watching the clouds against a lightblue sky, while driving to work this week, wishing I had taken my camera with me - the 40 minutes drive has been a pleasure each way.

 Warm evenings continue - we walked in the forest walks twice this week.


 At the evening sunlight hits the fields, the grass gets a beautiful golden glow.
 “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”  Albert Camus
 The evenings are getting darker - the sun is setting  allready around 8 pm.  Let's cherish the Shades of Septemberthis weekend! Nina  Sharing with Random 5 FridayFriendship FridaySaturday Share FestFun Friday Blog Hop